Booth number: 1336
About us
KUHNE is a privately owned German company, founded in 1970 by Walter Kuhne.
KUHNE GmbH (Smart Sheets®) is a leading manufacturer of extruders and complete extrusion lines designed for processing all known thermoplastics, such as PP, PS, PET, PC, PMMA, ABS, HDPE, LDPE, and more.
The production range covers extrusion lines (mono- or multilayer) for flat films up to 11 layers, sheets up to a thickness of 60 mm, and geomembranes with a width of up to 8 meters net and a throughput of up to 3,500 kg/h.
The primary fields of application are the food and medical industries, as well as the cosmetics and industrial sectors.
KUHNE manufactures all key components of its lines in-house, such as screws, barrels, dies, feed blocks, and roll stacks.
Einsteinstrasse 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
E-mail: info@kuhne-group.com
Phone: +49 2241 902 0
Internet: www.kuhne-group.com
Pasaje Interlomas No. 4, Local 303, Col. Magnocentro
52760 Huixquilucan
E-mail: schindler@kuhne-group.com
Phone: +52 1 55 28559691
Internet: www.kuhne-group.com
Contact person:
Thorsten Bung
Managing Director
E-mail: bung@kuhne-group.com
Phone: +49 2241 902 147
Harald Schindler
Area Sales Manager
E-mail: schindler@kuhne-group.com
Phone: +52 55 28559691
Products & Services
Single Screw Extruders
screw diameter 25 - 250 mm, barrel length 24 – 44 D
High-Speed Extruder (space- and energy saving design)
available for the extruder sizes KHS45-33D, KHS60-33D, KHS70-39 and KHS90-39D
Flat Film Extrusion Lines (mono / co-extrusion)
up to 11 layer
Applications e.g. food packaging/barrier foils etc.
Coating and Laminating Extrusion Lines
Sheet Extrusion Lines (mono / co-extrusion)
up to 9 layer, up to 60 mm thickness, up to 4.000 mm width
Applications e.g. smooth / embossed sheets for automotive, optical, sanitary, advertising and chemical application
Geomembrane Extrusion Lines (mono / co-extrusion)
up to 8 m net width, thickness range from 0.5 mm to 3 mm
with a throughput from 1 t up to 3.5 t
Applications e.g. as isolation or sealing of areas and surfaces at the construction of landfills etc.
Extrusion Lines for special films
direct vacuum forming films (dimpled sheet)
Applications e.g. foundation wall protection, planted green flat roof sealing etc.
KUHNE Single Screw Extruder (Smart Sheets®)
KUHNE Geomembrane Extrusion Line (Smart Sheets®)
up to 8 m net width, thickness range from 0,5 mm to 3 mm with a output from 1.000 kg/h up to 3.500 kg/h
*as isolation or sealing of areas and surfaces at the construction of landfills, chemical storage places, gasoline stations, parking lots etc.in order to prevent pollutions of ground water.
*at the construction of lakes, as film for ponds and swimming pools
KUHNE Flat Film Co-Extrusion Line (Smart Sheets®)
KUHNE 7-Layer Flat Film Extrusion Line:
*most advanced multi-layer extrusion line
*with 5 extruders for the production of 7-layer barrier sheet
*7-layer feed block- special lamella design
KUHNE Extruder Type K45-24D neo with 24/1 length diamter ratio
KUHNE GmbH is introducing a new extruder type name K45-24D neo, with components that have been reenigeered to make standardized, but high perfomring extrusion that is accessible for everyone.
KUHNE Roll Stack (Smart Sheets®)
KUHNE Roll Stacks
The roll stack is the decisive elemnt for a high-quality surface of the films. Roll stacks available from 300 mm to 9.000 mm width.
KUHNE Flat Die (Smart Sheets®)
Flat Dies from 70 mm to 9,000 mm.
With internal and external deckling. Different flow channels optimized according to the raw material.